Create a Mobile Website by ITE2 NAS (Part II)

In create a mobile website by ITE2 NAS part 2, this post will introduce users on how to create a separate tab for the website.

This post will also teach the user how to create a column for a web page and other functions.

For those whose haven’t start learning how to create a mobile website by ITE2 NAS, can start from the part 1 post: Create a Mobile Website by ITE2 NAS (Part I)

Create a Mobile Website by ITE2 NAS (Part II)

Windows 10 Practical Tips – Part 2

Previously in the last article, to make everyone more familiar with Windows 10, we will continue to introduce you more Windows 10 practical tips so that everyone can use it more conveniently and quickly.

This article will mainly submit some applications and Tips on Windows 10.

For example, setting shortcuts for folders and more, let users can increase efficiency when accessing typical applications and folders.

Read the last article here: Windows 10 Practical Tip – Part 1


Windows 10 Practical Tips – Part 2

Windows 10 Practical Tip – Part 1

Windows 10 Practical Tip. Windows 10 has been released for about 4 years.

The functions and tips provided by Windows 10 make computer users can operate a computer more convenient.

Although lots of computer users are sticks to use Windows 7 or even the older version, most of the computers have been upgraded to Windows 10.

The reason for that is because Windows 10 has lots of hardware requirements.

If the old device upgraded to Windows 10, it may affect the computer smoothness or compatibility of some software.

That’s why not all the user upgrades to Windows 10. Also, the ridiculous “automatic update,” often operate on the halfway of working or halfway when users are playing a game.

Most of the users may have experienced that familiar blue screen suddenly appears, right?


Windows 10 Practical Tip – Part 1

Data Safety – Is it safe to put your files on online cloud drive?

Data Safety – Is it safe to put your files on online cloud drive?

In the previous post, is it safe to put your files on online cloud drive? part 1

Is it safe to put data on a place that data can be access by others?

It does point out some problems with the online cloud drive.

However, surely that some people would want to know “Is the famous brand online cloud drive terrible?”, “How can we improve the data protection?”

Don’t worry, in this post will continue to explain to you.

PLEX Software – Combination of Multimedia Server and Player!

PLEX Software – For most users, after they saved important photos, music or video data into NAS.

The most important thing is how to browse, play and share those files to various device platforms easily and quickly!

So a wide variety of media players have emerged.

Remember the media player KODI (XBMC) that was introduced last time?

*Please refer to post: KODI application in Windows 10 NAS*

PLEX Software – Combination of Multimedia Server and Player!

Today, let’s introduce another media player that is also popular between multimedia users and has a connection with KODI: PLEX

SO-801R-RP 8-BAY NAS is coming out to the market!

SO-801R-RP Rack Mounted 8-BAY NAS is coming out to the market!

Dear all the entrepreneur friends! The waiting is over.

ITE2 Technology SO-801R-RP Rack Mounted Windows 10 NAS highly standard storage solution will be coming out to the market and available in 2019.

If you are interested in rack-mounted storage products, follow our official website or Facebook for more product information!

So, let’s see some introduction of functions and specifications for SO-801R-RP first!