Windows 10 NAS – Network management

In ITE2 NAS [Settings/Network Management] Page, You can set up IP, Wi-Fi, and DDNS settings for you ITE2 NAS. [IP settings] and [Wi-Fi settings] is based on the network settings in Windows 10. [DDNS settings] is the special feature, when you are in external network, you still can access files by a unique URL.



ITE2 NAS – Good Helper for Storage and Sharing!

ITE2 NAS is a good helper for data storage and information sharing!

It has three main useful applications.

You not only can save files on ITE2 NAS and also can sharing information on ITE2 NAS.

  1. Micro Blog – Integrated information sharing and information interacting.
  2. Sharing Icon – Share your files to other APPs by one-click.
  3. Multiple Website Address Service – Let you can quickly build a mobile website by ITE2 NAS applications and display information you want to show.