When you are self-employed and always have full of business ideas, you may put your thoughts into a random notebook or store them in your computer. However, after a long time, there sure will have tons of information all over everywhere and hard to find the right thing you need. Not to mention if you lose your paper works or leave your computer. If that so, you can only use your memory to retrieve those ideas you have. However, this is a total waste of time, and sometimes ideas just fade away. So ITE2 NAS provides a solution that suitable for this kind of storage problem. It is MicroBlog on NAS’s PDM platform.
ITE2 NAS PDM provides MicroBlog which can help you record every idea you have, besides the normal text. NAS MicroBlog can also add images to help you put your ideas more precisely. Moreover, each MicroBlog is recorded by timeline, so you can search them by time bar to locate what you need. And, here comes the best part! If you need to use NAS from another device, you can just setup your DDNS in the ITE2 NAS. After set up, you can log-in to your MicroBlog on PDM in everywhere. Also, all users who have ITE2 NAS account can access this function too. So you can use this MicroBlog space to share business ideas to your workmates or even use the space as an online recording meeting room.

PowerCloud App can store you ideas too!
For those who are self-employed, they can just download the “ PowerCloud ” app in App Store or Google Play. Use the app directly on their mobile phone to log in and manage the files on PDM, just like PDM portal on the computer. So you can reach you NAS files even though you did not have a laptop with you!
With “ PowerCloud ” app, there’s no more heavy laptop carry around. You can just use your mobile phone easily to manage all your NAS files with a cup of coffee in another hand. Sounds great, right?

There are more useful functions on ITE2 NAS waiting for you to discover. And tell you a little secret, the newest model: ITE2 NAS NE-201 with Windows 10 operating system not only have NAS’s file protection mechanism but also can be used as a normal computer just like other computer brands! On the upcoming posts, ITE2 NAS will bring you more finest solutions that will help you to become the best! Staytuned and see what’s new will coming out next!
Download Your PowerCloud APP Now
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/powercloud/id989675113?mt=8
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.com.ite2.powercloud&pli=1