In create a mobile website by ITE2 NAS part 2, this post will introduce users on how to create a separate tab for the website.
This post will also teach the user how to create a column for a web page and other functions.
For those whose haven’t start learning how to create a mobile website by ITE2 NAS, can start from the part 1 post: Create a Mobile Website by ITE2 NAS (Part I)
The website tab is a very important function for the website.
Various thematic items can be grouped into different categories.
So website visitors can easily understand, “what is this website say about and what information does this website provide?”
Just think about what if a shopping website did not have tabs for different categories, but put them all on the same page?
The website tab not only can let visitors easy to read but also can let the website easy to maintain.
Moreover, a clear website tab can be more helpful for website search ranking.
So, let’s keep learning how to create a Mobile Website by ITE2 NAS NOW!
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