ITE2 Center

Where is my backup HDD?

When was my last backup?

How long does it take for backup?
Which one is the best application for backup?

The best one must be ITE2 Center
It is a windows 10 app that you can get from Microsoft Store.Just download it and begin to use it then you will never worry about losing your precious data/files. And the best is …… it’s absolutelyFREE!
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ITE2 Center can help you……

You can do files backup to any server that is within your premises.
No more external HDD or USB flash drive.

Only file that is differential to old copy will be backup.
Faster, Smarter, and Smaller.
You can plan a schedule for backup.
You won’t forget to do backup anymore.
ITE2 Center is the best choice for backup.
It’s easy to download and use and totally FREE!
Wait, do you think that is all?
ITE2 Center
have more functions.
If you connect it to ITE2 NAS you’ll have more.
With ITE2 NAS, you can copy your photo or file to other computers and post them to social media website such as Facebook, Twitter, easily.
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Do be hesitated, it’s totally FREE!
How to use it.
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