Windows 10 NAS – Micro Blog Application

ITE2 Technology all NAS products have Micro Blog Application in its File Management platform.

Micro Blog Application let each account has a platform to leave a message or share information, not just a single [Account], [Password], and [Log in the] icon on the login page.

Micro Blog Application can be widely useful, except for personal use; it can also be applied in business.

Please see the following post for more Micro Blog introduction.


Micro Blog Introduction (Windows 10 NAS)

In the PDM interface, ITE2 NAS provide Micro Blog function, which can use as a NAS share/announcement information platform. Even if the non-login user can still see the messages from NAS user.

In [Micro Blog] function, the regular user needs to open permission by admin user in [User Management] to start to use the feature.

After the regular user gets the permission they can create, edit, delete the [Micro Blog] they created.

Admin user has all the permission to edit and delete all the user’s micro blog. In the following post will introduce you how to use the [Micro Blog] functions.