Reinstall PDM software on Windows 10 OS

After Reset ITE2 NE-201 Windows 10 OS. In this step, we have to reinstall PDM environment software.

Please go to download and install software: ResetEnvRecovery.

(NOTE: This software need to take three steps to install: .NET Core SDK 1.0.4, .NET Core 1.1.2 – Runtime, and Intel® Rapid Storage Technology).


Reset ITE2 NE-201 Windows 10 OS

Sometimes, user may need to reset NE-201 Windows 10 OS because of their personal operation needs. Due to the NE-201 is a mini computer that integrate NAS.

In that case, if you need to reset your NE-201, you have to follow the following instruction to rest in case relative apps may lead to system reset process failed.

And, if you need to reset the whole NE-201, there will be separated into two major steps. Reset Windows 10 and reinstall PDM software.

In this post, we will do the reset Windows 10 steps first.


File History Backup on Windows 10 NAS

When you select NE-201 as your NAS, you can back up your files manually to NE-201 or use built-in Windows 10 OS [File History Backup] function.

By the following steps, you can use [File History Backup] feature to set up essential files history restore point and back it up automatically to the NE-201.

In that case, if you accidentally edit, delete, or cover your necessary files, you can use [File History Backup] to restore your files!


PDM FTP Site Function Introduction (Windows 10 NAS)

FTP site is a standard protocol for file transfer on the internet. It takes Client/Server mode.

By FTP, user can send out multiple and large files to their client-side easily.

So, [Windows 10 NAS] NE-201 PDM version have added FTP site function in, which can let user can build FTP site easily by just click a few buttons!


Turn off sleep settings completely (Windows 10 NAS)

When we are using Windows 10 NAS – NE-201, in order to ensure the system can work continually and won’t be interrupt by sleep mode, we can turn off sleep settings in power options settings.

However, even if we have turn off the sleep mode, three more hours later, Windows 10 OS will still turn the computer automatically into the sleep mode.

So how can we turn off the sleep settings completely?

Please stay tuned and find out in the following operation!