Let’s create a secure password for NAS

We already know 5 principles of creating a secure password for NAS, but how to create a secure password that easy to remember?  First, we know that when we create a password, we need to follow some rules. For example:

  • At least 8 characters
  • Need to contain: Lower case letter, Upper case letter, Numbers, Special Characters

Let’s create a secure password for NAS

Follow these rules, and start to create a secure password for NAS

Step 1. Choose a word that you can remember, for example:



Step 2. Use a special character to instead one letter in this word, for example:

com&any (use “&” to instead “p”)


Step 3. Add some numbers.  You can choose your birthday number and plus 1 to this number. For example, if you birthday is 05/17, you can use 06(month) and 18(date).  Also, you can put these numbers into the different place, the password would be more complexity.



Step 4. Let the first letter become an upper case letter.



Now, we have created our first secure password!


As we know that we need to create more secure passwords for various situation.  We can still according to the above steps to create different passwords.

For online bank password, you can use the word “mybank” in step 1. , then the password might be “My06&ank28”
For social website password, you can use the word “social” in step 1. , then the password might be “So06&ial28”


According to the above steps, we can also use our name and phone number to create different passwords. For example:

Your name: Jimmy
Your phone number: 0923-123-456
Then your password might be: Ji124$my457


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