My Mobile Phone Accidentally Broken, What Can I Do to All the Missing Files?

What if your mobile phone broke accidentally?  Moreover, all your files are missing? It will be too late to back up until your phone is broken! So let’s back up your mobile phone backup now.

You can have a better choice to back up except Public Cloud! ITE2 Technology NAS NE-201, a PC that possesses cloud storage function. Let user can backup mobile phone files back to NE-201 by exclusive Power Cloud APP.

You can also sync backup your other computer’s files to NE-201. So, let’s back up our intangible assets together now!

🔸 This video recommends using a mobile phone and open the full screen to watch🔸

If your mobile phone accidentally is broken or been stolen! Have you backup all the files on that phone?

Mobile Phone Backup

It will be too late! To wait until it is broken!

Are there any better choices to backup files, except Public Cloud?

Mobile Phone Backup

WHAT NOT CHOOSE Product that Integrated PC and cloud storage ITE2 Technology NAS NE-201

Mobile Phone Backup


No matter you are on vacation, commute to work or at home. Just install exclusive PowerCloud APP (Support iOS and Android version)

Mobile Phone Backup


Then you can differential backup all the phone photos and videos to NE-201 via the internet.

Mobile Phone Backup


Also, you can view upload files via PowerCloud APP at any time!

Mobile Phone Backup


Mobile Phone Backup: Difference between NE-201 and Public Cloud?

So, what are the features of NE-201?  Moreover, what is the difference between NE-201 and Public Cloud? There are few points to stand out what is the difference between NE-201 and public cloud.

Mobile Phone Backup


Mobile Phone Backup: Price

Although NE-201 pre-cost is higher than Public Cloud. However, once you use for 2 years or more, the total price will be cost-effective than Public Cloud. Moreover, don’t forget that NE-201 and HDD all have two years of warranty at least!

Mobile Phone Backup


Mobile Phone Backup: Flexibility

Not only you can back up all the mobile phone files. However, also you can back up your home computer files or even system image file to NE-201

Mobile Phone Backup


Mobile Phone Backup: Restriction Rules

Also, did you know? Not all the files can be upload to Public Cloud. Your upload files must agree with and restricted by Public Cloud’s rules. However, NE-201 is a unique personal cloud space and belong to you completely

Mobile Phone Backup


In the end, do forget NE-201 is also a PC. So NE-201 can install any applications to do the work, and you can directly view the files that just uploaded under Windows environment.

Mobile Phone Backup

ITE2 NE-201 Let’s Back up our invisible assets together!

Mobile Phone Backup


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